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Try It For Free!

Take the first step towards more efficient waste management with a Free Trial, a Free Site Survey,  or an Online Meeting

How it works…

Recognizing the need to improve waste management is just the first step; taking action is another.

We provide three free, no-obligation options to help you identify impactful changes to save time, space, and money on waste handling: Free Trials, Free Site Surveys, and Free Online Meetings.

Apply through our form or learn more about each option below.

Free Baler Trial

  • Trial Before Purchase/Rental: Test a baler in your own setting to see its benefits firsthand.
  • Flexible Options: After the trial, keep the machine on a buy/rent contract, switch to another model, or if it’s not the right solution for you, we’ll retrieve the machine at no cost.

Free Site Survey

  • Site Survey: A Mil-tek consultant will analyze your waste management set up and processes at your location.
  • Detailed Report: Post-analysis, you’ll receive a report outlining challenges and opportunities for significant optimizations in time, money, and space.
  • Next Steps: Decide if you want further assistance/solutions from Mil-tek or to proceed independently.

Free Online Meeting

  • Online Meetings: Schedule a convenient time to discuss your waste challenges and optimization opportunities via Teams.
  • Next Steps: Decide if you want further assistance from Mil-tek or to proceed independently.

Any questions?

We’re always happy to help.

Simply use the form and we’ll return to you shortly.